How many times do you reject yourself for sake of others? How many times do you put your health, success, work, and happiness at stake? By doing so, you are not being generous, but you are ruining your life.
I am not saying leave your people to die and enjoy only your life. Keeping yourself healthy, calm, and happy, you will be more able to take care of others. Cause you simply can’t pour from an empty stomach.
At the end of life, do you want yourself to say, “I wish I could take out some time for me, I did everything for others only.”
[bctt tweet=”I love myself but I am not selfish.” username=”zistboon”]Self-love is empowering and inspiring. Self-love allows you to be the real you and help you attain high in life. If you don’t love yourself for your sake, please do it for others. Let me explain why.
When people are stressed, stuck in the mud and finding a way to come out of problems, they usually fail to support others, even their family yelled for help, they can’t help them, even if they want to. When you put yourself in second place, exhausted and burned out, you cannot be your best for anyone.
You simply can’t give things you don’t possess. You will love when you are filled with love. You will be able to care your kid, your family, parents, friends when you are absolutely healthy and happy. When you are at peace chances are high, you will make others calm. Enrich your life and leave an impact on others.
[bctt tweet=”Even God doesn’t help people who don’t help themselves. ” username=”zistboon”]Keep yourself free for sometimes:
At least once a week – do whatever you want to do. Go for the movie, hang out with friends, grab a magazine and have a decent hot bath. Make yourself unreachable for sometimes. Tell everybody not to disturb you unless it is urgent (not required).
Remember, when you will not be around, things will happen the same way they are supposed to happen. Don’t take too much responsibility, the whole world is not up to you.
Do the New:
Find your hobby that you lost at the early age of maturity. Think what you loved to do but stopped doing. Open those closed doors, go for midi class, French lessons, reserve your seat for dance class, wherever your heart takes you, just go for it. Trust me, you’re gonna have too much fun.
Take time to think for yourself: Self-talk:
We have gone so far in life that we don’t even bother to think for ourselves. We don’t think where we are going, what we are doing, why we are doing. We do because we are obligated to do, we have such responsibilities.
Self-discovery is everything, the better you understand yourself, the more you stay open to others. Don’t forget to praise yourself. You are the best, and you know it, Right?
[bctt tweet=”when you will not be around, things will happen the same way they are supposed to happen. Don’t take too much responsibility, the whole world is not up to you.” username=”zistboon”]Spend money on yourself:
The other day my friend told, I bought a pretty pricey jeans on a whim and the other day I felt oddly guilty about it. I defend badly my purchase.
Why do you be defensive about spending money on yourself? When you are making good money, then why do you adjust? Why don’t you feel like deserving? Sometimes, just buy anything for a smile, don’t think much when you have enough money, spend it on your happiness.
If you want to love others selflessly, love yourself first. Because the more you learn to respect or love yourself, the more you will be able to love others.
It might seem a bit harsh but there is no onus on you to do anything for anyone else. Personally I’d take the view of helping myself first and if time and energy is there, I’d help others.