Everything Is an Evolution: 8 Aspects of Dating That Have Changed in the Last Couple of Decades

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The world has changed in the past century, and so has dating. Everything is an evolution. The concept of dating began at the turn of the twentieth century. Before this, courtship was a much more private, unemotional affair. A woman would meet several men, with the parents present, to select the most suitable match for marriage, which heavily relied on factors such as financial and social status.

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When a woman decided on a man she wanted to see exclusively, activities as a couple took place in the home or at social gatherings. However, this changed over time, and couples began to go out together unsupervised. But, the ultimate topic and goal then was marriage. We have evolved into something completely different compared to the gentleman callers of the early twentieth century. Navigating dating in our current decade is challenging. It is important to use things such as chatlineguide.

Sex before Marriage

In past decades, many Americans believed sex before marriage was wrong, but within the last few decades, the sentiment has begun to change. Americans have become accustomed to being more understanding and liberal when it comes to these decades-old beliefs.

Marriage as Housing

In the last decade, nearly one in ten Americans over eighteen were living with a significant other they weren’t married to, while less than one percent were in 1967. It has become more acceptable and understood that cohabitating with a partner one is not married to is acceptable.

Marriage Happening Later

The proportion of couples who are married has gone down. In 2014, sixty-eight percent of Americans ages eighteen to thirty-three had never been married. Many of those who are dating are choosing to marry later due to financial restraints from higher education, an uncertain economy, and more.


In recent decades, it has become more common to not label relationships. This can make it complicated to understand where a relationship stands. Labeling has been viewed as putting pressure on something that commitment used to cover.

Online Dating

Online dating was virtually non-existent decades ago, but become more commonplace in the nineties. It is still used today though slowly it is being phased out by newer technologies, such as dating apps.

Dating Apps

Dating apps have become just as big as dating sites. These usually include a few photos and a basic profile description of who someone is. This is becoming more commonplace to meet individuals.

The Rise of Social Media

Social media has changed the dating game completely. Thanks to platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, a potential mate can find out everything about the other person before even meeting. This can greatly influence interactions that occur when finally meeting in person.


Perhaps one of the most influential aspects that have changed dating is texting. Texting did not exist in the nineties or before. Its rise is thanks to improvements in technology. Couples feel they must be more connected to each other than ever before, and texting makes that possible.

Today, people have more freedom to choose how they live their lives. They make up their own rules and are allowed many options for how they wish to interact with romantic partners. Today’s dating world is certainly a maze, but that doesn’t mean that love doesn’t still happen. Whether people meet on Tinder or at a bar, there is the possibility of finding “the one.”

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