Nothing Stays Where it is

nothing last forver

There are moments in life where our instinct says that things won’t work out, it will never be the same again even in the truest love story where they promise to stick around in all vicissitude, they leave, sometimes for worse and others for better., pub-9257695679914800, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

The old adage says that the world is designed under one grand cosmic plan, we live in synchronicity and its working parts. We meet people we don’t know existed until they do it in friction of seconds, in a casual conversation or accidental gaze and we fall in love with people we never imagined of.

Everything seems to be created in a grandiose, in a simple form it’s all rosy and pink and when it comes to complexity it pricks us like a thorn. We become ignorant of the one law that governs everything; Nothing stays forever neither the relationship nor our feelings in that relationship.

We live in a constantly moving and expanding universe. In nostalgia, we recall how we pour ourselves out to some people and with separation, eventually walk on the same earth as strangers. We remember the abandonment, our late-night tears and then we see the fortunate us where we choose a few people to know the vulnerability of our heart and welcome them deeply in our life.

Coincidences are a natural process of this existence and so is the separation. But we should not be afraid of the adherence. Since nothing stays where it is, we should make the most out of the moment we are in we learn to appreciate the things and the people we really care about. It gives us hope even when we are not in their life, we find abode in their heart when we are reduced to a distant memory, the way we made them feel gives them fresh juice of nostalgia.

It allows us to appreciate the transience of the things!!

At the same time we also need to learn to let go of the clinging when it hurts inside, we need to learn how we can come out the emotion of abandonment, sadness and grief. We need to heal ourselves.

No matter how able you are as human being in crafting beautiful tangible things, at the end you are as fragile as a flower that depends on the forces we cannot control. The only thing in our control is the response to such vibrations.

Because surrender is the only way forward!!

Change is the only constant. What is now today will be forgotten tomorrow. What remains with us is the memories of a few people who touched us as a wave.

To The Person, I Thought I Knew
To-the-one- i- thought-i-knew

To The Person, I Thought I Knew

I thought I knew you, but the time we came closer, you were a stranger to me

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