One Breath at a Time!!

one breathe at a time, conscious breathing

It’s suffocating it’s all frustrating and scary. It’s like standing in the middle of the ocean where you are screaming for support for help but what you get is cold shoulders and deaf ears., pub-9257695679914800, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

It’s when the sun refuses to rise above the horizon and the moon, the one you always loved shies away from you, and you find yourself lost in stygian where it all seems hopeless and you feel the whole universe has turned against you.

Your nerve twitches, you shriek in pain, your gut desists to respond – you fill your lungs with air. You know, you can’t overturn your life, your emotions, your deadly feelings- its roughness and you realize how it has changed you.

Don’t try to break through the surface of the water- Just Breathe!!

In the battling of your eyelids, wanting of groin – an inscrutable phenomenon; you allow yourself to move forward from the people, situations that are seemingly yours. You have been here before, and you have survived; again, choose to sit with your pain eventually, it will pass, it has to.

Hold, this time with more strength!!

When everybody is trying to find fault in your stars, when you become a synonym of wrongness, when all your efforts are being censored, you need to hold onto yourself a little longer.

At dawn, if you’re still breathing, you will get a way to go through life sooner or later.  The scars will never go away, it may heal.

Learn to find strength in your scars; choose to breathe choose peace!!

Rearrange the building blocks, reconstruct the core values of your life, even when you believe you are struggling through a silent battle that will never be won. You cannot quit until you see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Life is hard so are you, remember this, don’t give up, just breathe!!

“Sometimes the best we can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess;

just breathe

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Behind Closed Doors: The Untold Story of How Your Life Expresses Hidden Emotions
life expresses hidden emotion, stress impact on heath

Behind Closed Doors: The Untold Story of How Your Life Expresses Hidden Emotions

By walking through life’s maze, I have come to understand that emotions

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