They Forget but They Struggle to Forgive

forget but don't forgive, forgiveness,

How easily we humans forget someone about people who helped us when we were drowning, struggling to survive., pub-9257695679914800, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Your one sin is equal to hundreds of good deeds. You made him smile, he laughed with you, you wiped out his tears you stood by him when he was left alone by his own people. But it was you who never left his hand. Your one act, which he thought was not right and he kicked your ass like a discarded object.


Sometimes, I think too much love and concern ruin a relationship.

If people can forget all good things why they can’t forgive someone for just one wrongdoing?

The irony of life is this; people can forget easily but they struggle really hard to forgive someone. Even your irresistible love cannot help them to do one act of kindness.


I heard this adage years back, ‘You can do the 99 things for someone and all they’ll remember is the one thing you didn’t do.’

You remember what people did to you, you can’t acquit them. But do you really remember what you did to others? When you hurt someone.

If you have your reasons to do things especially which are not considered good, people have their own which seems right to them.


No one is covered in monochrome. We all have different shades; black and white are part of us. We cannot claim that someone is painted more in black or white.

We all messed up occasionally. We all hurt people. We all seek forgiveness and benefited from someone’s kindness.

How bleak the world would be if everyone held onto their resentment.

When somebody does something amoral to you, you react to curse them but understand, people don’t set a goal to chock you down. They are not a sociopath who enjoys inflicting pain upon you.


They simply act on their emotions and experiences and choose to do what seems logical at the time. Exactly what you do.


When you confront a misdeed or betrayal, you get angry or stay in pain you will definitely spit poison. But then you have the option to stick to anger or put yourself in their shoes and think from their perspective. If you have done something fallacious if you are misunderstanding if there is something that you are missing to see, don’t forget their goodness. When you will realize how little the grudge is, it will become easier to release.


“People don’t set a goal to chock you down. They simply act on their emotions and experiences and choose to do what seems logical at the time. Exactly what you do.”

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