The lion doesn’t concern itself with the opinions of the sheep.
If I ask you to count the number of judgemental people you have encountered in your life, you might end up listing almost everyone you’ve ever met. Believe it or not, people are very interested in the actions done by others. These people-covered in the false macabre of intelligence and righteousness- are quick at passing judgments and evaluating the righteousness of a given act.
Words are powerful. When used in a demeaning and condescending way, they have the power to shatter someone’s spirit.
The matter is grave. Is it not? So how should we deal with these toxic judgmental people and continue to strive towards our goal?
It’s a job:
What does it take to become a judgmental person? A pretty face? No. A knowledgeable brain? Of course not. A keen eyesight? No again. All it takes is a mouth. Right now, if I stop writing this article and grab a chair and start criticizing the government for its policies- ta-da, I become a judgmental person.
One should realize that no productive person will ever waste his time speaking ill about someone rather than doing something on their own. It is the only skill they possess and they aren’t even good at it. They speak because they have the leisure to do that. You, on the other hand, have so much more to do and so much more to achieve.
[ctt template=”5″ link=”ycSb0″ via=”yes” ]Words are powerful. When used in a demeaning and condescending way, they have the power to shatter someone’s spirit.[/ctt]A fault in their stars:
We don’t see the world as it is. We see the world, how we think it is. If a person is a corrupt and dishonest one, he will see every kind deed as an act of gaining something more valuable. It is not your fault if all others see is a mistake in whatever you do. The fault lies within them and so you shouldn’t feel less of yourself.
Turn the foe into a friend:
Criticism, if taken positively, may help one to become a better person. Take every judgment passed against you as a reminder of the things you still need to work on.
Try to extract something fruitful from their negativity. Instead of getting depressed or afraid of their judgments, try to work hard and improve on whatever areas you find yourself getting judged. A judgmental person can actually help you forge yourself into a better person.
Instead of getting depressed or afraid of their judgments, try to work hard and improve on whatever areas you find yourself getting judged. A judgmental person can actually help you forge yourself into a better person.
Concentrate on your circle of love:
Often, the people who judge us are nothing but strangers. Instead of focusing on these judgmental people, focus on the people who love and adore you. Look for their support and opinions.
When you learn to appreciate the people who matter in your life, you will automatically realize that how happy your life is in that circle of friends and family. The opinions of those toxic judgmental people will no longer bother you.
Cancel the noise:
This could be the hardest thing to do- ignoring the judgmental people. When you are surrounded by these ill-minded judgmental people, you start doubting yourself and conforming to the opinions of these judgmental people.
Learning to turn a deaf ear to these hateful people may help you the most. Do not believe what they say. No one knows you better than yourself. Try to listen to your inner voice and cancel the noise outside.
The only way to get out of the vicious circle of judgmental people is to keep faith in yourself and keep doing whatever you love-no matter the opinions of others. Stay focused. Stay strong!