No Arms, No Legs, No Worries: Nick Vujicic

Nick vujicic success story

A person with no arms and legs is a golf player, author of 8 books, a skydiver, painter, public speaker, swimmer and of course an idol to follow by all young blood!! Things which are beyond our thoughts, Nick Vujicic made it a reality!, pub-9257695679914800, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

In this severe disability, how I could dress, I thought for a while. But the man, Nick, not just get fame, name, and success but proved disability is nothing when you have the gut to live your passion and desire.

Some have gifted talent while others earn the talent by giving efforts, by practicing it, by stubborn will of achieving the desired. Nick Vujicic is someone who defeated his destiny or I say, created his own destiny.

What motivation we can drive form a motivational speaker:

Move just one step ahead:

Whenever we apply for a job, start a new venture, face interview or appear for the exam, we may get rejected. But it doesn’t mean that it’s the end. Perhaps, it’s the beginning of new dawn.

52 schools rejected this young man from performing motivational speaks, but he still approached the next and succeeded. This gave him a big kick and he became a good motivational speaker, shared his stories, and the experience!

We always leave the journey considering, perhaps this the end, but that time, we are just one step away from our destination.



Inside out:

We are more inside than outside. When we understand this sentence, our journey to become limitless starts.

Nick looked inside, heard his inner voice instead of the noise around. He loved his body, his soul, he completed him inside, rather repairing external parts.

The beauty is in the brain, in the heart, not in the body, learn to love yourself, accept your attitude, this the first key to be the change.

Don’t be the slave of your dreams:

I heard, “follow your passion”, “follow your heart”, but no one told, “Follow your life.” Dreams don’t design our life, our life design dreams.

Dream is not something you want, but what you are. You are your life. When you embrace the life, you start living your dream.

At the age of 10, Nick attempted suicide twice. What he called the dream, his missing limbs was a necessity and perhaps we all have it. He questioned God for his disability, but at the same time, he believed that the God has planned something else for him.

He accepted his life and abandoned his dream.

Don’t just follow the “rat race”, follow what is truly good for you. Choose your life, not your dreams.

Dreams are your creation, your life’s creation, and choosing in a right way is completing in your hands. Instead, cultivate another passion, know your true potential and your versatility.

Fear is the biggest disability:

“No arms, no legs, yet no worries”

We all are perfectly imperfect! If you are emotionally weak, work on it. Don’t let anybody judge according to your emotions. Fight against the bullied person, fight for your rights. Don’t let your fear overpower your physical and mental level. Keep faith in you and God.

His most famous books “life without limits: inspiration of a ridiculously good life” was ridiculously hit.

[bctt tweet=”One thing that is in your hand is to try, try what you want, try what you dream of, try to fly, try to be limitless.” username=”zistboon”]

Live life with intentions!

Do your circumstances overpower you and don’t let you do what you had planned or what you want to do? Oh, most of us are a victim of such situations. But Nick Vujicic is the perfect example of moulding life’s situations his way.

Live with the intention, not with the luck and chance! So, plan your life by integrating all your heart, mind, and soul, not by your circumstances.

Assemble broken pieces!  

Things we do effortlessly were the big deals for Nick Vujicic! The question my mind popped ups- how he managed to inspire himself? The answer was very simple (most of us ignore it though).

He didn’t look at the things that he had not, but he used the best what he had! It changed the whole perception and he managed to live his life to the fullest. So, feel the gratitude towards everything that you have, and try to make best out of it. This one simple FUNDA can change your life amazingly.

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Beautiful things come from broken pieces when you give broken pieces a chance. – Nick Vujicic.

Don’t count what you are left with instead what you have.

Happiness and goodness are on your way!!

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