If It’s Easy It’s Not Love

“From this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us apart. “

Sometimes these vows seem to be too demanding to be followed literally. When things start falling apart, the very string that holds two people together starts snapping. The arms whose embrace was once comforting now seems like a noose hanging around the neck. The voice, which was once nothing short of a symphony, starts piercing our ear drums. The person, with whose colours we want to fill our future, now seems just too dull.

Losing interest in someone isn’t a thing which is unheard of. More often than not, such feelings of repulsion start emerging when the journey ahead starts appearing too dangerous. We find ourselves eager to let go.

Once in a blue moon, comes a couple who manages to stick together through thick and thin. What is it that keeps them going?  What is it that makes them inseparable? Well, of course, it’s Love.

All of us want a love story- the kind one reads in books, each one of us wants a soul mate whose presence makes the heart run faster than an F1 car. But in spite of these dreams, very few learn to love. All things look beautiful under the Sun but come night, even the harmless vine starts appearing like a snake.

The harsh conversation, that made us cry, it hurts, it haunts, we get to know the dark side of each other. The difficulties of living together and not letting apart make us go through the hell and back.

People, who stick together during the difficult moments, learn to appreciate each other better. Their love seems to solidify to such a proportion that even the largest hammer couldn’t crumble them. When we find someone standing by our side when the walls start closing in, we find the strength to fight back. Falling starts becoming synonymous to flying.

Love that stands tall in the face of danger is the one which never grows old. One can never leave someone’s loves just because things aren’t working out at the moment. Pain glorifies love.

Would we be talking about Romeo if he hadn’t sacrificed himself in the name of love? Would we have loved The Notebook, like we do, if we found that Noah abandons Allie during her illness?

[ctt template=”5″ link=”ZvJLl” via=”yes” ]All of us want love story the kind one reads in books a soul mate. But in spite of these dreams, very few learn to love[/ctt]

Love isn’t a whole beam of light who shines down on a couple of eternity. Sometimes, it’s complicated and messy. Don’t throw in the cards and give up. Argue, scream, fight through it. Ride the wave. Swim in it, no matter how strong the current gets. Because it’s love and it’s going to be worth saving. It deserves all the hardship and sacrifices.

So, the next time, you start thinking about breaking up with someone just because you start feeling that going on with the relationship is tiring; remember, love is not always supposed to be heavenly.

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